Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Team members are involved in initial and continuing education in CentraleSupélec, a french institute of research and higher education in engineering and science and ESIR (Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieur de Rennes) the graduate engineering school of the University of Rennes 1.

In these institutions,

  • Gilles Guette is director of corporate relations at ESIR;

  • Jean-François Lalande is responsible of the major program dedicated to information systems security and the special track Infosec of CentraleSupélec ;

  • Frédéric Tronel and Valérie Viet Triem Tong share the responsability of the mastère spécialisé (post-graduate specialization degree) in Cybersecurity. This education was awarded best French master degree in the category “Master Cybersecurity masters and Security of systems” in the Eduniversal master ranking 2019.

The teaching duties are summed up in table 1.

Figure 1.


  • HdR defended in 2019, Emmanuelle Anceaume, Abstractions for permissionless systems.

  • PhD defended in 2019: Aurélien Dupin, Secure multi-partie computations, started February 2016, supervised by Christophe Bidan(40%), David Pointcheval (30% - ENS) and Renaud Dubois (30% - Thales).

  • PhD defended in 2019: Aurélien Palisse, Analyse et détection de logiciels de rançon, started in 2015, supervised by Jean-Louis Lanet, Colas Le Guernic (DGA) and Hélène Le Bouder (IMT Atlantique);

  • PhD defended in 2019: Damien Crémilleux, Visualisation d’évènements de sécurité pour la supervision, started in October 2015, supervised by Christophe Bidan (30%), Nicolas Prigent (35%), and Frédéric Majorczyk (35% - DGA MI);

  • PhD defended in 2019: Pernelle Mensah, Generation and Dynamic Update of Attack Graphs in Cloud Providers Infrastructures, started in January 2016, supervised by Eric Totel (25%), Guillaume Piolle (25%), Christine Morin (25% - Myriads Inria project), and Samuel Dubus (25% - Nokia);

  • PhD defended in 2019: Kevin Bukasa, Vulnerability analysis of embedded systems against physical attacks , supervised by Jean-Louis Lanet and Ronan Lashermes (SED Inria);

  • PhD defended in 2019: Ronny Chevalier, Detecting and Surviving Intrusions - Exploring New Host-Based Intrusion Detection, Recovery, and Response Approaches, supervised by Guillaume Hiet (50%), David Plaquin (25% - HP) and Ludovic Mé (25%);

  • PhD in progress: Alexandre Dey, Continuous Model Learning for Anomaly Detection In the Presence of Highly Adaptative Cyberattacks, started in November 2019, supervised by Eric Totel (50%) and Ludovic Mé (50%);

  • PhD in progress: Leopold Ouairy, Analyse des vulnérabilités dans des systèmes embarqués, started in 2017, supervised by Jean-Louis Lanet;

  • PhD in progress: Mathieu Escouteloup Micro-architectures Sécurisées, started in 2018, supervised by Jean-Louis Lanet and Jacques Fournier (CEA);

  • PhD in progress: Mounir Nasr Allah, Contrôle de flux d’information par utilisation conjointe d’analyse statique et d’analyse dynamique accélérée matériellement, started in November 2015, supervised by Guillaume Hiet (75%) and Ludovic Mé (25%);

  • PhD in progress: David Lanoë, Détection d’intrusion dans les applications distribuées : l’approche comportementale comme alternative à la corrélation d’alertes, started in October 2016, supervised by Michel Hurfin (50%) and Eric Totel (50%);

  • PhD in progress: Laetitia Leichtnam, Visualisation pour la caractérisation d’événements de sécurité, started in October 2016, supervised by Eric Totel (40%), Nicolas Prigent (30%) and Ludovic Mé (30%);

  • PhD in progress: Charles Xosanavongsa, Combining Attack Specification and Dynamic Learning from traces for correlation rule generation, started in December 2016, supervised by Eric Totel (50%) and Ludovic Mé (50%);

  • PhD in progress: Pierre Graux, Security of Hybrid Mobile Applications, started in October 2017, supervised by Valérie Viet Triem Tong (50%) and Jean-Francçois Lalande (50%);

  • PhD in progress: Vasile Cazacu, Calcul distribué pour la fouille de données cliniques, started February 2017, supervised by Emmanuelle Anceaume (50%) and Marc Cuggia (50%)

  • PhD in progress: Cedric Herzog, Simulation d’environnement d’observation afin d’éviter le déploiement de malware sur une station de travail, started in November 2018, supervised by Jean Louis Lanet (50%), Pierre Wilke (25%) and Valérie Viet Triem Tong (25%);

  • PhD in progress: Benoit Fournier, Secure routing in drone swarms, started in November 2018, supervised by Gilles Guette (50%), Jean Louis Lanet (25%) and Valérie Viet Triem Tong (25%);

  • PhD in progress: Aimad Berady, Attacker characterization, started in November 2018, supervised by Christophe Bidan (25%), Guillaume Carat (25%), Gilles Guette (25%), and Valérie Viet Triem Tong (25%);

  • PhD in progress: Cyprien Gottstein, Problématiques de stockage et d’interrogation de très grands graphes répartis dans le contexte de l’internet des objets, started in October 2018, supervised by Michel Hurfin (50%) and Philippe Raipin Parvedy (50%);

  • PhD in progress: Tomas Conception Miranda, Profiling and Visualization Android malware, started in October 2019, supervised by Jean-François Lalande (34%), Valérie Viet Triem Tong (33%), Pierre Wilke (33%).

Supervision of external PhD candidates
  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Bellec, Security enhancement in embedded hard real-time systems, started in October 2019, supervised by Isabelle Puaut (50%), Guillaume Hiet (25%), Frédéric Tronel (25%)

  • PhD in progress: Kevin Le Bon, Security enhancement in embedded hard real-time systems, started in October 2018, supervised by Erven Rohu (30%), Guillaume Hiet (35%), Frédéric Tronel (35%)


Ludovic Mé was a member of the PhD committee for the following PhD thesis:

  • Amina Saadaoui, Formal Techniques for Automatic Detection and Resolution of Security Equipment Misconfigurations, supervised by Adel Bouhoula and Sihem Guemara, University of Carthage, April 2019.

  • Amir Wonjiga, User-Centric Security Monitoring in Cloud Environments, supervised by Christine Morin and Louis Rilling, University of Rennes 1, May 2019.

Ludovic Mé was a member of the committee for the following HDR defense:

  • Stephane Mocanu, Cyberdéfense des infrastructures critiques, University Grenoble Alpes community, January 2019.

  • Nizar Kheir, From Cyber-secure to Cyber-resilient Computer Systems: The way forward, University of Paris-Saclay, May 2019.

Valérie Viet Triem Tong was a member of the PhD committee for the following PhD thesis:

  • Xin Ye Model, Checking Self Modifying Code, supervised by Tayssir Touili et Jifeng He, University of Paris, Septembre 2019.

  • Alexandre Dang, Compilation Sécurisée pour la Protection de la Mémoire, supervised by Frédéric Besson and Thomas Jensen, University of Rennes 1, December 2019.

Jean-François Lalande was a member of the PhD committee for the following PhD thesis:

  • M. Guillaume Averlant, Contrôle d’accès dynamique et architecture de sécurité pour la protection des applications sous Android, Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi- Pyrénées, october 2th 2019.